feeling better

after this long ass roller coaster ride I think it is coming to an end! thank god for that! I just slept for a very long time and it was much needed!

sleep is a huge factor and if I don’t sleep enough then I am totally out of it and my highs are higher then ever😃so I have been sleeping a lot so now I am feeling way better! I still have a good amount of controlable energy but nothing like the past few weeks!

I must say that I am sorry to my friends and family cuz I am out of control and they just put up with all my craziness and just love me through it! I have such an amazing support group I could not ask for more! thanks guys😘

it has taken my awhile to except the fact that I am bi polar but now that I have come to terms with it I am able to recognize my behavior. I know that I am not the only one out there that’s fighting with this illness! so with that said I hope everyone has a good week and I will keep posting daily😋

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